
Untangled resolutions




01. Devoted

We believe that a just and equitable community is within your grasp. We are devoted to bringing out the very best in your organization, revolutionizing your vision for community, and inspiring you to achieve the highest expression of your best selves.

02. Delighted

Of course we take great pride in our work but we also find great joy in guiding your success. DEIB work is not easy but it does not have to be miserable. We make sure to celebrate your breakthroughs and acknowledge your wins.


03. Disciplined

We work smart and combine decades of study and practical experience in the fields of sociology, law, conflict management, organizational development, coaching, organizational ombuds practice, and more, to help you craft innovative solutions.

did you know?

What the Numbers Say

Companies that take action against racial injustice are significantly more likely to gain public trust than lose it.*

A majority of the U.S. population sees brands and companies that issue diversity statements without backing them up with action as exploitative and opportunistic.*

*Source: 2020 Edelman Trust Barometer Special Report: The Fight for Racial Justice in America.


Percentage of U.S. population that trusts companies that take action against racial injustice more


Percentage of U.S. population that sees words without action as a negative

DEIB Strategist, MEDIATOR, Coach

Meet Bathabile

coaching credential

Bathabile Mthombeni

Founder & Principal


For as long as I can remember, I have been fascinated by how societies work and by how power is distributed in society. As a child born under Apartheid in South Africa I learned very early on that, often, distinctions are made between people on the basis of their identities and different amounts of value are attributed to people on the basis of those distinctions. To be blunt and specific, I learned that White people had decided that they were superior to Black people and deserved to own and control everything.

My nationality on my birth certificate reads: Republic of South Africa Undetermined. My parents managed to bring my siblings and me to the United States and we eventually became Resident Aliens. I was an Undetermined Resident Alien. My identity was erased. I belonged no where.

I found myself preoccupied by my desire to understand how identity-based systems of oppression develop and what supports their foundations.

I was keen to understand how these systems grow beyond those who establish them and, generation after generation, become deeply entrenched into collective beliefs and value systems.

I wanted to understand what sustains these systems and why they are so difficult to dismantle.


What We Do Best

inspire Epiphany

Cultivate new ways of thinking and communicating for you and your employees

Facilitate Success

Break down the steps you take into an easy and productive process

Take the long view

Provide two years of ongoing  services and support to facilitate enduring change

Facilitate Connection

Bring teams from diverse backgrounds together to work towards a common goal

Build Capacity

Equip your community for continuous improvement so your progress is never lost

Transform Communities

Ignite creative solution-focused mindsets that bring belonging to life

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