
Professional Business Consulting

DEIB diagnostic & employee retention strategies

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great resignation employee retention

The Great Resignation

Why Are They Leaving?

Valuable employees leave for many reasons. Feeling alienated and invisible is one of them.

It is not enough to simply invite people from historically excluded backgrounds into your organization. Today’s employees demand more.

According to a report by the Deloitte University Leadership Center for Inclusion and the Billie Jean King Leadership Initiative, a survey of 1,300 full-time employees found that “Seventy-one percent of respondents would prefer an organization that demonstrates inclusive behaviors but inconsistent inclusion programs – as opposed to high quality inclusion programming but inconsistent inclusive behaviors.”

Inclusive behaviors matter far more than inclusive programs

DEIB programming is often aimed at mentoring or training people from marginalized communities to become better at navigating hostile and toxic work environments. This allows the organization to avoid change – and your employees know that. Today’s employees demand that work environments actively demonstrate their commitment to inclusion by producing substantive change. That includes adopting consistent inclusive behaviors.

Do you know how your environment falls short?


Charge Forward

How Well Do You Really Know Your DEIB Culture?

Today’s workers are more willing than their predecessors to leave an organization that does not actively demonstrate its commitment to DEIB. According to the Deloitte University inclusion study, 23% of respondents reported that “. . . they [had] already left an organization for a more inclusive one – including 30% of millennial respondents.

Retaining valuable employees requires paying attention to your DEIB culture.

But how do you know whether your organization’s culture encourages minoritized employees to thrive? How can you know if, for example, the systems intended to detect discrimination are themselves discriminatory or otherwise experienced as hostile by the very people who need them most?

We offer a service that equips you to measure the true state of DEIB in your organization and uncover where your efforts fail to achieve the outcomes that you intend.



deib policy development

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Employee Satisfaction Assessment

DEIB Analysis

Organizational Mapping

Issue Spotting

Strategy Consulting

Strategy Implementation


DEIB Diagnostic Services

Untangled Resolutions partners with a company that helps organizations to take a data-driven approach to diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging. Their survey tool has been designed with specialist practitioners to capture where barriers and biases exist across gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, disability, and socio-economic background within organizations.
The platform pinpoints what you are doing well to maintain an inclusive workplace, and where you need to improve. It also provides an evidence-based, targeted quick-win and longer-term action plan to help to drive change while providing baseline metrics to measure progress against.
Untangled Resolutions steps in to guide your strategy implementation programs and help you to achieve your employee retention goals.


Go to the Source

Activate your most valuable assets: your employees who will reveal the issues and solutions you seek.

Examine your DEIB culture in detail

The data-driven survey tool dives deep into your employees’ lived experiences to reveal your truth about DEIB at the micro level.

Provide Proof

Prove to your employees that you take DEIB seriously. Get real results that show what you do well and flag problem areas.

Take Action

Follow through with Untangled Resolutions. We will guide your strategy development and implementation. We ensure buy-in by centering community in your strategy.

Get Quick Results

Go from start to diagnosis in just 6-12 weeks.

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